作者: 日期:2023年12月04日 15:24 点击:
(1) Ren Yangguang, Xu Zhiqiang, Gu Suqian. Physicochemical properties and slurry ability changes of lignite after microwave upgrade with the assist of lignite semi-coke. Energy, 2022, 252: 0360-5442.(SCI一区, IF=9);
(2) Ren Yangguang, Gu Suqian, Xu Zhiqiang, et al. Improve the slurry ability of lignite through co-slurrying and microwave co-pyrolysis with direct coal liquefaction residue. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022, 165: 0165-2370(SCI二区);
(3) Ren Yangguang, Lyu Ziqi, Xu Zhiqiang, Wang Qun, et al. Slurry-ability mathematical modeling of microwave-modified lignite: A comparative analysis of multivariate non-linear regression model and XGBoost algorithm model. Energy, 2023;281. (SCI一区, IF=9)
(4) Gu Suqian, Xu Zhiqiang*, Ren Yangguang*, et al. Microwave co-pyrolysis of lignite with direct coal liquefaction residue: Synergistic effects and product combustion characteristics. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 325: 129293. (SCI一区, IF=7.4);
(5) Ni Yang, Lyu Xianjun, Ren Yangguang* Zhu Xiangnan* et al. Recent advance in attractive pyrometallurgical recovery of electrode materials in spent lithium ion batteries: a review. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Enviromental Effects, 2023, 45(4): 10242-10259.
(6) 《矿物加工导论双语教程Introduction to Mineral Processing Technology (A Bilingual Course)》(M),中国矿业大学出版社,2023.08, 吕宪俊,朱向楠,任阳光(副主编)。
(1) 山东省自然科学基金青年项目“褐煤对石油化工废水特征污染物的吸附特性及吸附后的成浆特性研究”,202101~202312,15万元,在研,主持;
(2) 山东科技大学“菁英计划”D类人才引进项目,6万元,在研,主持;
(3) 水资源国家重点实验室开放基金“煤矸石/粉煤灰-浓盐矿井水充填材料制备技术研究”,20万元,202310~202510,在研,主持.